Source code for straindesign.scip_interface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Max Planck Insitute Magdeburg
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""SCIP and SoPlex solver interface for LP and MILP"""

from random import randint
from scipy import sparse
from numpy import isnan, nan, inf, isinf, sum, nonzero
import pyscipopt as pso
from straindesign.names import *
from typing import Tuple, List
import time as t
import logging

[docs]class SCIP_MILP(pso.Model): """SCIP interface for MILP This class is a wrapper for the SCIP-Python API to offer bindings and namings for functions for the construction and manipulation of MILPs in an vector-matrix-based manner that are consistent with those of the other solver interfaces in the StrainDesign package. The purpose is to unify the instructions for operating with MILPs and LPs throughout StrainDesign. The SCIP interface provides support for indicator constraints as well as for the populate function. The SCIP interface does not natively support the populate function. A high level implementation emulates the behavior of populate. Accepts a (mixed integer) linear problem in the form: minimize(c), subject to: A_ineq * x <= b_ineq, A_eq * x = b_eq, lb <= x <= ub, forall(i) type(x_i) = vtype(i) (continous, binary, integer), indicator constraints: x(j) = [0|1] -> a_indic * x [<=|=|>=] b_indic Please ensure that the number of variables and (in)equalities is consistent Example: scip = SCIP_MILP(c, A_ineq, b_ineq, A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub, vtype, indic_constr) Args: c (list of float): (Default: None) The objective vector (Objective sense: minimization). A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static inequalities. b_ineq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static inequalities. A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static equalities. b_eq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static equalities. lb (list of float): (Default: None) The lower variable bounds. ub (list of float): (Default: None) The upper variable bounds. vtype (str): (Default: None) A character string that specifies the type of each variable: 'c'ontinous, 'b'inary or 'i'nteger indic_constr (IndicatorConstraints): (Default: None) A set of indicator constraints stored in an object of IndicatorConstraints (see reference manual or docstring). Returns: (SCIP_MILP): A SCIP MILP interface class. """ def __init__(self, c, A_ineq, b_ineq, A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub, vtype, indic_constr): super().__init__() # uncomment to forward SCIP output to python terminal # self.redirectOutput() try: numvars = A_ineq.shape[1] except: numvars = A_eq.shape[1] # prepare coefficient matrix if isinstance(A_eq, list): if not A_eq: A_eq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) if isinstance(A_ineq, list): if not A_ineq: A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) ub = [u if not isinf(u) else None for u in ub] lb = [l if not isinf(l) else None for l in lb] # add variables and constraints x = [self.addVar(lb=l, ub=u, obj=o, vtype=v) for l, u, o, v in zip(lb, ub, c, vtype)] self.vars = x self.binvars = [i for i in range(len(x)) if vtype[i] == 'B'] # generate "Terms" and "Expressions" for faster problem construction self.trms = [list(x[i].terms.items())[0][0] for i in range(numvars)] self.constr = [] # add inequality constraints ineqs = [self.addCons(pso.Expr() <= b_i) for b_i in b_ineq] for row, a_ineq in zip(ineqs, A_ineq): X = [x[i] for i in a_ineq.indices] for col, coeff in zip(X, self.addConsCoeff(row, col, coeff) self.constr += ineqs # add equality constraints eqs = [self.addCons(pso.Expr() == b_i) for b_i in b_eq] for row, a_eq in zip(eqs, A_eq): X = [x[i] for i in a_eq.indices] for col, coeff in zip(X, self.addConsCoeff(row, col, coeff) self.constr += eqs self.setMinimize() # add indicator constraints if indic_constr is not None: for i in range(len(indic_constr.sense)): if indic_constr.indicval[i] == 0: # if the constraints activity is indicated by 0, an auxiliary variable needs to be added z = self.addVar(lb=0, ub=1, obj=0, vtype='B') xor = self.addCons(pso.Expr() == 1) self.addConsCoeff(xor, x[indic_constr.binv[i]], 1) self.addConsCoeff(xor, z, 1) else: z = x[indic_constr.binv[i]] if indic_constr.sense[i] == 'E': A = sparse.vstack((indic_constr.A[i], -indic_constr.A[i])) b = [indic_constr.b[i], -indic_constr.b[i]] else: A = indic_constr.A[i] b = [indic_constr.b[i]] for k in range(A.shape[0]): for a in A[k]: e = pso.scip.Expr({self.trms[j]: d for j, d in zip(a.indices,}) f = pso.scip.ExprCons(e, lhs=None, rhs=b[k]) self.constr += [self.addConsIndicator(f, binvar=z, initial=False)] # set parameters self.max_tlim = self.getParam('limits/time') self.setParam('display/verblevel', 0) if 'B' in vtype or 'I' in vtype: seed = seed = randint(0, 2**31 - 1) #' MILP Seed: '+str(seed)) self.setParam('randomization/randomseedshift', seed) # self.enableReoptimization() # self.setParam('display/lpinfo',False) # self.setParam('reoptimization/enable',True)
[docs] def solve(self) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: """Solve the MILP Example: sol_x, optim, status = scip.solve() Returns: (Tuple[List, float, float]) solution_vector, optimal_value, optimization_status """ try: self.optimize() status = self.getStatus() if status in ['optimal']: # solution min_cx = self.getObjVal() status = OPTIMAL elif status == 'timelimit' and self.getSols() == []: # timeout without solution x = [nan] * len(self.vars) min_cx = nan status = TIME_LIMIT return x, min_cx, status elif status == 'infeasible': # infeasible x = [nan] * len(self.vars) min_cx = nan status = INFEASIBLE return x, min_cx, status elif status == 'timelimit' and not self.getSols() == []: # timeout with solution min_cx = self.getObjVal() status = TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL elif status in ['inforunbd', 'unbounded']: # solution unbounded x = [nan] * len(self.vars) min_cx = -inf status = UNBOUNDED return x, min_cx, status else: raise Exception('Status code ' + str(status) + " not yet handeld.") x = self.getSolution() return x, min_cx, status except: logging.error('Error while running SCIP.') min_cx = nan x = [nan] * len(self.vars) return x, min_cx, ERROR
[docs] def slim_solve(self) -> float: """Solve the MILP, but return only the optimal value Example: optim = scip.slim_solve() Returns: (float) Optimum value of the objective function. """ try: self.optimize() status = self.getStatus() if status == 'optimal': # solution opt = self.getObjVal() elif status in ['infeasible', 'timelimit']: opt = nan elif status in ['inforunbd', 'unbounded']: opt = -inf else: raise Exception('Status code ' + str(status) + " not yet handeld.") return opt except: logging.error('Error while running SCIP.') return nan
def populate(self, pool_limit) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: numrows = len(self.constr) """Generate a solution pool for MILPs This is only a high-level implementation of the populate function. There is no native support in SCIP. Example: sols_x, optim, status = scip.populate() Returns: (Tuple[List of lists, float, float]) solution_vectors, optimal_value, optimization_status """ try: if pool_limit > 0: sols = [] stoptime = t.time() + self.getParam('limits/time') # 1. find optimal solution self.set_time_limit(stoptime - t.time()) x, min_cx, status = self.solve() if status not in [OPTIMAL, UNBOUNDED]: return sols, min_cx, status sols = [x] # 2. constrain problem to optimality objTerms = self.getObjective().terms c = [objTerms[x] if x in objTerms.keys() else 0.0 for x in self.trms] self.add_ineq_constraints(sparse.csr_matrix(c), [min_cx]) # 3. exclude first solution pool self.addExclusionConstraintIneq(x) # 4. loop solve and exclude until problem becomes infeasible while status in [OPTIMAL,UNBOUNDED] and not isnan(x[0]) \ and stoptime-t.time() > 0 and pool_limit > len(sols): self.set_time_limit(stoptime - t.time()) x, _, status = self.solve() if status in [OPTIMAL, UNBOUNDED]: self.addExclusionConstraintIneq(x) sols += [x] if stoptime - t.time() < 0: status = TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL elif status == INFEASIBLE: status = OPTIMAL # 5. remove auxiliary constraints # Here, we only free the upper bound of the constraints totrows = len(self.constr) self.freeTransform() for j in range(numrows, totrows): self.chgRhs(self.constr[j], None) return sols, min_cx, status except: logging.error('Error while running SCIP.') min_cx = nan x = [] return x, min_cx, ERROR
[docs] def set_objective(self, c): """Set the objective function with a vector""" if self.getParam('reoptimization/enable'): self.freeReoptSolve() self.chgReoptObjective(pso.Expr({self.trms[i]: c[i] for i in nonzero(c)[0]})) else: self.freeTransform() self.setObjective(pso.Expr({self.trms[i]: c[i] for i in nonzero(c)[0]}))
[docs] def set_objective_idx(self, C): """Set the objective function with index-value pairs e.g.: C=[[1, 1.0], [4,-0.2]]""" if self.getParam('reoptimization/enable'): self.freeReoptSolve() self.chgReoptObjective(pso.Expr({self.trms[c[0]]: c[1] for c in C})) else: self.freeTransform() self.setObjective(pso.Expr({self.trms[c[0]]: c[1] for c in C}))
[docs] def set_ub(self, ub): """Set the upper bounds to a given vector""" self.freeTransform() for i in range(len(ub)): if not isinf(ub[i][1]): self.chgVarUb(self.vars[ub[i][0]], float(ub[i][1])) else: self.chgVarUb(self.vars[ub[i][0]], None)
[docs] def set_time_limit(self, t): """Set the computation time limit (in seconds)""" if t >= self.max_tlim: self.setParam('limits/time', self.max_tlim) else: self.setParam('limits/time', t)
[docs] def add_ineq_constraints(self, A_ineq, b_ineq): """Add inequality constraints to the model Additional inequality constraints have the form A_ineq * x <= b_ineq. The number of columns in A_ineq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_ineq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ self.freeTransform() ineqs = [self.addCons(pso.Expr() <= b_i) for b_i in b_ineq] for row, a_ineq in zip(ineqs, A_ineq): X = [self.vars[i] for i in a_ineq.indices] for col, coeff in zip(X, self.addConsCoeff(row, col, float(coeff)) self.constr += ineqs
[docs] def add_eq_constraints(self, A_eq, b_eq): """Add equality constraints to the model Additional equality constraints have the form A_eq * x = b_eq. The number of columns in A_eq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_eq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ self.freeTransform() eqs = [self.addCons(pso.Expr() == b_i) for b_i in b_eq] for row, a_eq in zip(eqs, A_eq): X = [self.vars[i] for i in a_eq.indices] for col, coeff in zip(X, self.addConsCoeff(row, col, float(coeff)) self.constr += eqs
[docs] def set_ineq_constraint(self, idx, a_ineq, b_ineq): """Replace a specific inequality constraint Replace the constraint with the index idx with the constraint a_ineq*x ~ b_ineq Args: idx (int): Index of the constraint a_ineq (list of float): The coefficient vector b_ineq (float): The right hand side value """ self.freeTransform() # Make previous constraint non binding. removing or # changing old constraints would be better but doesn't work self.chgRhs(self.constr[idx], None) # add new constraint and replace constraint pointer in list self.constr[idx] = self.addCons(pso.Expr() <= 0) for i, a in enumerate(a_ineq): self.addConsCoeff(self.constr[idx], self.vars[i], a) if isinf(b_ineq): self.chgRhs(self.constr[idx], None) else: self.chgRhs(self.constr[idx], b_ineq) pass
[docs] def getSolution(self) -> list: """Retrieve solution from SCIP backend""" return [self.getVal(x) for x in self.vars]
[docs] def addExclusionConstraintIneq(self, x): """Function to add exclusion constraint (SCIP compatibility function)""" data = [1.0 if x[i] else -1.0 for i in self.binvars] row = [0] * len(self.binvars) A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row, self.binvars)), (1, len(self.vars))) b_ineq = sum([x[i] for i in self.binvars]) - 1 self.add_ineq_constraints(A_ineq, [b_ineq])
[docs]class SCIP_LP(pso.LP): """SoPlex interface for LP This class is a wrapper for the SoPlex-Python API to offer bindings and namings for functions for the construction and manipulation of LPs in an vector-matrix-based manner that are consistent with those of the other solver interfaces in the StrainDesign package. The purpose is to unify the instructions for operating with MILPs and LPs throughout StrainDesign. """ def __init__(self, c, A_ineq, b_ineq, A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub): """Constructor of the SCIP (SoPlex) LP interface class Accepts a (mixed integer) linear problem in the form: minimize(c) subject to: A_ineq * x <= b_ineq A_eq * x = b_eq lb <= x <= ub forall(i) type(x_i) = vtype(i) (continous, binary, integer) indicator constraints: x(j) = [0|1] -> a_indic * x [<=|=|>=] b_indic Please ensure that the number of variables and (in)equalities is consistent Example: scip = SCIP_LP(c, A_ineq, b_ineq, A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub) Args: c (list of float): (Default: None) The objective vector (Objective sense: minimization). A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static inequalities. b_ineq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static inequalities. A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static equalities. b_eq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static equalities. lb (list of float): (Default: None) The lower variable bounds. ub (list of float): (Default: None) The upper variable bounds. Returns: (SCIP_LP): A SCIP LP interface class. """ super().__init__(sense='minimize') # uncomment to forward SCIP output to python terminal try: numvars = A_ineq.shape[1] except: numvars = A_eq.shape[1] # prepare coefficient matrix if isinstance(A_eq, list): if not A_eq: A_eq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) if isinstance(A_ineq, list): if not A_ineq: A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) ub = [u if not isinf(u) else self.infinity() for u in ub] lb = [l if not isinf(l) else -self.infinity() for l in lb] # add variables and constraints self.addCols([()] * len(c), objs=c, lbs=lb, ubs=ub) # add inequality constraints self.addRows([[(i,v) for i,v in zip(rows.indices,] for rows in A_ineq], \ lhss = [-self.infinity()]*A_ineq.shape[0],\ rhss = b_ineq) # add equality constraints self.addRows([[(i,v) for i,v in zip(rows.indices,] for rows in A_eq], \ lhss = b_eq,\ rhss = b_eq) self.optimize = super().solve
[docs] def solve(self) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: """Solve the LP Example: sol_x, optim, status = scip.solve() Returns: (Tuple[List, float, float]) solution_vector, optimal_value, optimization_status """ try: min_cx = self.optimize() # this function was inherited from super().solve() during initialization if self.isInfinity(-min_cx): # solution min_cx = -inf status = UNBOUNDED elif self.isInfinity(min_cx): min_cx = nan status = INFEASIBLE if not isnan(min_cx) and not isinf(min_cx): x = self.getPrimal() status = OPTIMAL else: x = [nan] * len(self.getPrimal()) return x, min_cx, status except: logging.error('Error while running SCIP.') min_cx = nan x = [nan] * len(self.getPrimal()) return x, min_cx, ERROR
[docs] def slim_solve(self) -> float: """Solve the LP, but return only the optimal value Example: optim = scip.slim_solve() Returns: (float) Optimum value of the objective function. """ try: opt = self.optimize() # this function was inherited from super().solve() during initialization if self.isInfinity(-opt): # solution opt = -inf elif self.isInfinity(opt): opt = nan return opt except: logging.error('Error while running SCIP.') return nan
[docs] def set_objective(self, c): """Set the objective function with a vector""" for i in range(len(c)): self.chgObj(i, c[i])
[docs] def set_objective_idx(self, C): """Set the objective function with index-value pairs e.g.: C=[[1, 1.0], [4,-0.2]]""" for i_v in C: self.chgObj(i_v[0], i_v[1])
[docs] def add_ineq_constraints(self, A_ineq, b_ineq): """Add inequality constraints to the model Additional inequality constraints have the form A_ineq * x <= b_ineq. The number of columns in A_ineq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_ineq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ self.addRows([[(i,v) for i,v in zip(rows.indices,] for rows in A_ineq], \ lhss = [-self.infinity()]*A_ineq.shape[0],\ rhss = b_ineq)
[docs] def add_eq_constraints(self, A_eq, b_eq): """Add equality constraints to the model Additional equality constraints have the form A_eq * x = b_eq. The number of columns in A_eq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_eq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ self.addRows([[(i,v) for i,v in zip(rows.indices,] for rows in A_eq], \ lhss = b_eq,\ rhss = b_eq)