Source code for straindesign.solver_interface

#!/usr/bin/env python3
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"""Unified solver interface for LPs and MILPs (MILP_LP)"""

from numpy import inf, isinf, isnan, unique
from scipy import sparse
from typing import List, Tuple
from straindesign import avail_solvers, GLPK
from straindesign.names import *
import logging

[docs]class MILP_LP(object): """Unified MILP and LP interface This class is a wrapper for several solver interfaces to offer unique and consistent bindings for the construction and manipulation of MILPs and LPs in an vector-matrix-based manner and their solution. Accepts a (mixed integer) linear problem in the form: minimize(c), subject to: A_ineq * x <= b_ineq, A_eq * x = b_eq, lb <= x <= ub, forall(i) type(x_i) = vtype(i) (continous, binary, integer), indicator constraints: x(j) = [0|1] -> a_indic * x [<=|=|>=] b_indic Please ensure that the number of variables and (in)equalities is consistent Example: milp = MILP_LP(c, A_ineq, b_ineq, A_eq, b_eq, lb, ub, vtype, indic_constr) Args: c (list of float): (Default: None) The objective vector (Objective sense: minimization). A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static inequalities. b_ineq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static inequalities. A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): (Default: None) A coefficient matrix of the static equalities. b_eq (list of float): (Default: None) The right hand side of the static equalities. lb (list of float): (Default: None) The lower variable bounds. ub (list of float): (Default: None) The upper variable bounds. vtype (str): (Default: None) A character string that specifies the type of each variable: 'c'ontinous, 'b'inary or 'i'nteger indic_constr (IndicatorConstraints): (Default: None) A set of indicator constraints stored in an object of IndicatorConstraints (see reference manual or docstring). M (int): (Default: None) A large value that is used in the translation of indicator constraints to bigM-constraints for solvers that do not natively support them. If no value is provided, 1000 is used. solver (str): (Default: taken from avail_solvers) Solver backend that should be used: 'cplex', 'gurobi', 'glpk' or 'scip' skip_checks (bool): (Default: False) Upon MILP construction, the dimensions of all provided vectors and matrices are checked to verify their consistency. If skip_checks=True is set, these checks are skipped. tlim (float): Solution time limit in seconds. Returns: (MILP_LP): A MILP/LP solver interface class. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): allowed_keys = {'c', 'A_ineq', 'b_ineq', 'A_eq', 'b_eq', 'lb', 'ub', 'vtype', 'indic_constr', 'M', 'solver', 'skip_checks', 'tlim'} # set all keys passed in kwargs for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in allowed_keys: setattr(self, key, value) else: raise Exception("Key " + key + " is not supported.") # set all remaining keys to None for key in allowed_keys: if key not in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, None) # Select solver (either by choice or automatically cplex > gurobi > glpk) if self.solver is None: if len(avail_solvers) > 0: self.solver = list(avail_solvers)[0] else: raise Exception('No solver available. Please ensure that one of the following '\ 'solvers is avaialable in your Python environment: CPLEX, Gurobi, SCIP, GLPK') elif self.solver not in avail_solvers: raise Exception("Selected solver '" + self.solver + "' is not installed / set up correctly.") # Copy parameters to object if self.A_ineq is not None: numvars = self.A_ineq.shape[1] elif self.A_eq is not None: numvars = self.A_eq.shape[1] else: logging.warning('Problem has no variables.') numvars = 0 if self.c is None: self.c = [0.0] * numvars if self.A_ineq is None: self.A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) if self.b_ineq is None: self.b_ineq = [] # Remove unbounded constraints if self.A_eq == None: self.A_eq = sparse.csr_matrix((0, numvars)) if self.b_eq == None: self.b_eq = [] if == None: = [-inf] * numvars if self.ub == None: self.ub = [inf] * numvars if self.vtype == None: self.vtype = 'C' * numvars # check dimensions if not self.skip_checks == True: if not (self.A_ineq.shape[0] == len(self.b_ineq)): raise Exception("A_ineq and b_ineq must have the same number of rows/elements") if not (self.A_eq.shape[0] == len(self.b_eq)): raise Exception("A_eq and b_eq must have the same number of rows/elements") if not (self.A_ineq.shape[1]==numvars and self.A_eq.shape[1]==numvars and len(self.c)==numvars and \ len( and len(self.ub)==numvars and len(self.vtype)==numvars): raise Exception("A_eq, A_ineq, c, lb, ub, vtype must have the same number of columns/elements") # if (not self.indic_constr==None) and (not self.solver in [CPLEX, GUROBI, SCIP]): # raise Exception("In order to use indicator constraints, you need to set up CPLEX, Gurobi or SCIP.") elif (not self.indic_constr == None): # check dimensions of indicator constraints num_ic = self.indic_constr.A.shape[0] if not (self.indic_constr.A.shape[1] == numvars and \ len(self.indic_constr.b)==num_ic and len(self.indic_constr.binv)==num_ic and \ len(self.indic_constr.sense)==num_ic and len(self.indic_constr.indicval)==num_ic): raise Exception("Check dimensions of indicator constraints.") # Cast variables as float self.A_ineq = self.A_ineq.astype(float) self.A_eq = self.A_eq.astype(float) self.c = [float(v) for v in self.c] self.b_ineq = [float(v) for v in self.b_ineq] self.b_eq = [float(v) for v in self.b_eq] = [float(v) for v in] self.ub = [float(v) for v in self.ub] if self.indic_constr: self.indic_constr.A = self.indic_constr.A.astype(float) self.indic_constr.b = [float(v) for v in self.indic_constr.b] if not self.solver == GLPK and self.M and not (isnan(self.M) or isinf(self.M)) and \ self.indic_constr and self.indic_constr.A.shape[0]: logging.warning('Provided big M value is ignored unless glpk is used.') # Create backend if self.solver == CPLEX: from straindesign.cplex_interface import Cplex_MILP_LP self.backend = Cplex_MILP_LP(self.c, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq, self.A_eq, self.b_eq,, self.ub, self.vtype, self.indic_constr) elif self.solver == GUROBI: from straindesign.gurobi_interface import Gurobi_MILP_LP self.backend = Gurobi_MILP_LP(self.c, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq, self.A_eq, self.b_eq,, self.ub, self.vtype, self.indic_constr) elif self.solver == SCIP: from straindesign.scip_interface import SCIP_MILP, SCIP_LP self.isLP = all(v == 'C' for v in self.vtype) if self.isLP: self.backend = SCIP_LP(self.c, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq, self.A_eq, self.b_eq,, self.ub) return else: self.backend = SCIP_MILP(self.c, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq, self.A_eq, self.b_eq,, self.ub, self.vtype, self.indic_constr) elif self.solver == GLPK: from straindesign.glpk_interface import GLPK_MILP_LP self.backend = GLPK_MILP_LP(self.c, self.A_ineq, self.b_ineq, self.A_eq, self.b_eq,, self.ub, self.vtype, self.indic_constr, self.M) if self.tlim is None: self.set_time_limit(inf) else: self.set_time_limit(self.tlim)
[docs] def solve(self) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: """Solve the MILP or LP Example: sol_x, optim, status = milp.solve() Returns: (Tuple[List, float, float]) solution_vector, optimal_value, optimization_status """ x, min_cx, status = self.backend.solve() if status not in [INFEASIBLE, UNBOUNDED, TIME_LIMIT]: # if solution exists (is not nan), round integers x = [x[i] if self.vtype[i] == 'C' else int(round(x[i])) for i in range(len(x))] return x, min_cx, status
[docs] def slim_solve(self) -> float: """Solve the MILP or LP, but return only the optimal value Example: optim = cplex.slim_solve() Returns: (float) Optimum value of the objective function. """ a = self.backend.slim_solve() return a
[docs] def populate(self, n) -> Tuple[List, float, float]: """Generate a solution pool for MILPs Example: sols_x, optim, status = cplex.populate() Returns: (Tuple[List of lists, float, float]) solution_vectors, optimal_value, optimization_status """ return self.backend.populate(n)
[docs] def set_objective(self, c): """Set the objective function with a vector""" self.c = c self.backend.set_objective(c)
[docs] def set_objective_idx(self, C): """Set the objective function with index-value pairs e.g.: C=[[1, 1.0], [4,-0.2]]""" # when indices occur multiple times, take first one C_idx = [C[i][0] for i in range(len(C))] C_idx = unique([C_idx.index(C_idx[i]) for i in range(len(C_idx))]) C = [C[i] for i in C_idx] for i in range(len(C)): self.c[C[i][0]] = C[i][1] self.backend.set_objective_idx(C)
[docs] def set_ub(self, ub): """Set the upper bounds to a given vector""" self.ub = ub self.backend.set_ub(ub)
[docs] def set_time_limit(self, t): """Set the computation time limit (in seconds)""" self.tlim = t self.backend.set_time_limit(t)
[docs] def add_ineq_constraints(self, A_ineq, b_ineq): """Add inequality constraints to the model Additional inequality constraints have the form A_ineq * x <= b_ineq. The number of columns in A_ineq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_ineq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_ineq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix(A_ineq) A_ineq.eliminate_zeros() b_ineq = [float(b) for b in b_ineq] self.A_ineq = sparse.vstack((self.A_ineq, A_ineq)) self.b_ineq += b_ineq self.backend.add_ineq_constraints(A_ineq, b_ineq)
[docs] def add_eq_constraints(self, A_eq, b_eq): """Add equality constraints to the model Additional equality constraints have the form A_eq * x = b_eq. The number of columns in A_eq must match with the number of variables x in the problem. Args: A_eq (sparse.csr_matrix): The coefficient matrix b_eq (list of float): The right hand side vector """ A_eq = sparse.csr_matrix(A_eq) A_eq.eliminate_zeros() b_eq = [float(b) for b in b_eq] self.A_eq = sparse.vstack((self.A_eq, A_eq)) self.b_eq += b_eq self.backend.add_eq_constraints(A_eq, b_eq)
[docs] def set_ineq_constraint(self, idx, a_ineq, b_ineq): """Replace a specific inequality constraint Replace the constraint with the index idx with the constraint a_ineq*x ~ b_ineq Args: idx (int): Index of the constraint a_ineq (list of float): The coefficient vector b_ineq (float): The right hand side value """ self.A_ineq = self.A_ineq.tolil() self.A_ineq[idx] = sparse.lil_matrix(a_ineq) self.A_ineq = self.A_ineq.tocsr() self.b_ineq[idx] = b_ineq self.backend.set_ineq_constraint(idx, a_ineq, b_ineq)
[docs] def clear_objective(self): """Clear objective Set all coefficients in the objective vector to 0.""" self.set_objective([0.0] * len(self.c))