Source code for straindesign.strainDesignMILP

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Max Planck Insitute Magdeburg
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Classes and function for the solution of strain design MILPs"""

import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
import time
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from straindesign import SDProblem, SDSolutions, MILP_LP, SDModule, Model
from straindesign.names import *
from warnings import warn
import logging

[docs]class SDMILP(SDProblem, MILP_LP): """Class that contains functions for the solution of the strain design MILP This class is a wrapper and inherited from the casses SDProblem, MILP_LP. The constructor of SDProblem (see translates a given problem into a MILP. The constructor of MILP_LP (see then sets up the solver interface for the selected solver. In addition to the functions from SDProblem and MILP_LP, SDMILP provides functions for the solution of the strain design MILP, such as verification of strain design solutions or introduction of exclusion constraints for computing multiple solutions. Args: model (cobra.Model): A metabolic model that is an instance of the cobra.Model class. sd_modules ((list of) straindesign.SDModule): Modules that specify the strain design problem, e.g., protected or suppressed flux states for MCS strain design or inner and outer objective functions for OptKnock. See description of SDModule for more information on how to set up modules. ko_cost (optional (dict)): (Default: None) A dictionary of reaction identifiers and their associated knockout costs. If not specified, all reactions are treated as knockout candidates, equivalent to ko_cost = {'r1':1, 'r2':1, ...}. If a subset of reactions is listed in the dict, all other are not considered as knockout candidates. ki_cost (optional (dict)): (Default: None) A dictionary of reaction identifiers and their associated costs for addition. If not specified, all reactions are treated as knockout candidates. Reaction addition candidates must be present in the original model with the intended flux boundaries **after** insertion. Additions are treated adversely to knockouts, meaning that their exclusion from the network is not associated with any cost while their presence entails intervention costs. max_cost (optional (int)): (Default: inf): The maximum cost threshold for interventions. Every possible intervention is associated with a cost value (1, by default). Strain designs cannot exceed the max_cost threshold. Individual intervention cost factors may be defined through ki_cost and ko_cost. solver (optional (str)): (Default: same as defined in model / COBRApy) The solver that should be used for preparing and carrying out the strain design computation. Allowed values are 'cplex', 'gurobi', 'scip' and 'glpk'. M (optional (int)): (Default: None) If this value is specified (and non-zero, not None), the computation uses the big-M method instead of indicator constraints. Since GLPK does not support indicator constraints it uses the big-M method by default (with COBRA standard M=1000). M should be chosen 'sufficiently large' to avoid computational artifacts and 'sufficiently small' to avoid numerical issues. essential_kis (optional (set)): A set of reactions that are marked as addable and that are essential for at least one of the strain design modules. Providing such "essential knock-ins" may speed up the strain design computation. Returns: (SDMILP): An instance of SDProblem containing the strain design MILP and providing several functions for its solution """ def __init__(self, model: Model, sd_modules: List[SDModule], **kwargs): # Construct problem SDProblem.__init__(self, model, sd_modules, **kwargs) # Build MILP object from constructed problem MILP_LP.__init__(self, c=self.c, A_ineq=self.A_ineq, b_ineq=self.b_ineq, A_eq=self.A_eq, b_eq=self.b_eq,, ub=self.ub, vtype=self.vtype, indic_constr=self.indic_constr, M=self.M, solver=self.solver)
[docs] def add_exclusion_constraints(self, z): """Exclude binary solution in z and all supersets from MILP""" for i in range(z.shape[0]): # introduce constraint to make MILP infeasible. Some solvers cannot handle empty rows if z[i].nnz == 0: A_ineq = sparse.csr_matrix([1.0] * z[i].shape[1]) A_ineq.resize((1, self.A_ineq.shape[1])) b_ineq = -1 self.add_ineq_constraints(A_ineq, [b_ineq]) # otherwise, introduce integer cut constraint elif z[i].nnz == 1: interv_idx = int(z[i].indices[0]) self.z_non_targetable[interv_idx] = True self.set_ub([[interv_idx, 0.0]]) # otherwise, introduce integer cut constraint else: A_ineq = z[i].copy() A_ineq.resize((1, self.A_ineq.shape[1])) b_ineq = np.sum(z[i]) - 1 self.add_ineq_constraints(A_ineq, [b_ineq])
[docs] def add_exclusion_constraints_ineq(self, z): """Exclude binary solution in z (but not its supersets) from MILP""" for j in range(z.shape[0]): A_ineq = [1.0 if z[j, i] else -1.0 for i in self.idx_z] A_ineq.resize((1, self.A_ineq.shape[1])) b_ineq = np.sum(z[j]) - 1 self.add_ineq_constraints(A_ineq, [b_ineq])
[docs] def sd2dict(self, sol, *args) -> Dict: """Translate binary solution vector to dictionary for human-readable output""" output = {} reacID = self.model.reactions.list_attr("id") for i in self.idx_z: if sol[0, i] != 0 and not np.isnan(sol[0, i]): if self.z_inverted[i]: output[reacID[i]] = sol[0, i] else: output[reacID[i]] = -sol[0, i] elif args and args[0] and (sol[0, i] == 0) and self.z_inverted[i]: output[reacID[i]] = 0.0 return output
[docs] def solveZ(self) -> Tuple[List, int]: """Solve MILP, and return only binary variables rounded to 5 decimals (should return ints)""" x, opt, status = self.solve() z = sparse.csr_matrix([round(x[i], 5) for i in self.idx_z]) return z, x, opt, status
[docs] def populateZ(self, n) -> Tuple[List, int]: """Populate MILP, and return only binary variables rounded to 5 decimals (should return ints)""" x, _, status = self.populate(n) if status in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: z = sparse.csr_matrix([[round(x[j][i], 5) for i in self.idx_z] for j in range(len(x))]) z.resize((len(x), self.num_z)) # remove duplicates unique_row_indices, unique_columns = [], [] for row_idx, row in enumerate(z): indices = row.indices.tolist() if indices not in unique_columns: unique_columns.append(indices) unique_row_indices.append(row_idx) z = z[unique_row_indices] else: z = sparse.csr_matrix((0, self.num_z)) return z, status
[docs] def fixObjective(self, c, cx): """Enforce a certain objective function and value (or any other constraint of the form c*x <= cx)""" self.set_ineq_constraint(self.idx_row_obj, c, cx)
[docs] def resetObjective(self): """Reset objective to the one set upon MILP construction""" self.set_objective_idx([[i, v] for i, v in enumerate(self.c_bu)])
[docs] def setMinIntvCostObjective(self): """Reset minimization of intervention costs as global objective""" self.clear_objective() self.set_objective_idx([[i, self.cost[i]] for i in self.idx_z if i not in self.z_non_targetable])
[docs] def resetTargetableZ(self): """Reset targetable/switchable intervention indicators / allow all intervention candidates""" self.set_ub([[i, 1.0] for i in self.idx_z if not self.z_non_targetable[i]])
[docs] def setTargetableZ(self, sol): """Only allow a subset of intervention candidates""" self.set_ub([[i, 0.0] for i in self.idx_z if not sol[0, i]])
[docs] def verify_sd(self, sols) -> List: """Verify computed strain design""" valid = [False] * sols.shape[0] for i, sol in zip(range(sols.shape[0]), sols): inactive_vars = [var for z_i,var,sense in \ zip(self.cont_MILP.z_map_vars.row,self.cont_MILP.z_map_vars.col,\ if np.logical_xor(sol[0,z_i],sense==-1)] active_vars = [i for i in range(self.cont_MILP.z_map_vars.shape[1]) if i not in inactive_vars] inactive_ineqs = [ineq for z_i,ineq,sense in \ zip(self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_ineq.row,self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_ineq.col,\ if np.logical_xor(sol[0,z_i],sense==-1) ] active_ineqs = [i for i in range(self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_ineq.shape[1]) if i not in inactive_ineqs] inactive_eqs = [eq for z_i,eq,sense in \ zip(self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_eq.row,self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_eq.col,\ if np.logical_xor(sol[0,z_i],sense==-1) ] active_eqs = [i for i in range(self.cont_MILP.z_map_constr_eq.shape[1]) if i not in inactive_eqs] lp = MILP_LP(A_ineq=self.cont_MILP.A_ineq[active_ineqs, :][:, active_vars], b_ineq=[self.cont_MILP.b_ineq[i] for i in active_ineqs], A_eq=self.cont_MILP.A_eq[active_eqs, :][:, active_vars], b_eq=[self.cont_MILP.b_eq[i] for i in active_eqs], lb=[[i] for i in active_vars], ub=[self.cont_MILP.ub[i] for i in active_vars], solver=self.solver) valid[i] = not np.isnan(lp.slim_solve()) return valid
[docs] def compute_optimal(self, **kwargs): """Compute the global optimum of the strain design MILP and iteratively find the next best solution Args: max_solutions (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The maximum number of MILP solutions that are generated for a strain design problem. time_limit (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The time limit in seconds for the MILP-solver. show_no_ki (optional (bool)): (Default: True) Indicate non-added addition candidates in a solution specifically with a value of 0 Returns: (SDSolutions): Strain design solutions provided as an SDSolutions object """ keys = {MAX_SOLUTIONS, T_LIMIT, 'show_no_ki'} # set keys passed in kwargs for key, value in dict(kwargs).items(): if key in keys: setattr(self, key, value) # set all remaining keys to None for key in keys: if key not in dict(kwargs).keys(): setattr(self, key, None) if self.max_solutions is None: self.max_solutions = np.inf if self.time_limit is None: self.time_limit = np.inf if self.show_no_ki is None: self.show_no_ki = True # first check if strain doesn't already fulfill the strain design setup if self.is_mcs_computation and self.verify_sd(sparse.csr_matrix((1, self.num_z)))[0]: logging.warning('The strain already meets the requirements defined in the strain design setup. ' \ 'No interventions are needed.') return self.build_sd_solution([{}], OPTIMAL, BEST) # otherwise continue endtime = time.time() + self.time_limit status = OPTIMAL sols = sparse.csr_matrix((0, self.num_z))'Finding optimal strain designs ...') while sols.shape[0] < self.max_solutions and \ status == OPTIMAL and \ endtime-time.time() > 0: self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) self.resetTargetableZ() self.resetObjective() self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, np.inf) z, _, opt, status = self.solveZ() if np.isnan(z[0, 0]): break output = self.sd2dict(z) if self.is_mcs_computation: if status in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL] and all(self.verify_sd(z)):'Strain design with cost ' + str(round((z * self.cost)[0], 6)) + ': ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z) sols = sparse.vstack((sols, z)) elif status in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]:'Invalid (minimal) solution found: ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z) if status != OPTIMAL: break else: # Verify solution and explore subspace to get minimal intervention sets'Found solution with objective value ' + str(-opt))'Minimizing number of interventions in subspace with ' + str(sum(z.toarray()[0])) + ' possible targets.') self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, opt) self.setMinIntvCostObjective() self.setTargetableZ(z) while sols.shape[0] < self.max_solutions and \ status == OPTIMAL and \ endtime-time.time() > 0: self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) z1, _, _, status1 = self.solveZ() output = self.sd2dict(z1) if status1 in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL] and all(self.verify_sd(z1)):'Strain design with cost ' + str(round((z1 * self.cost)[0], 6)) + ': ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z1) sols = sparse.vstack((sols, z1)) elif status1 in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: logging.warning('Invalid minimal solution found: ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z) else: # return to outside loop break if status == INFEASIBLE and sols.shape[0] > 0: # all solutions found status = OPTIMAL if status == TIME_LIMIT and sols.shape[0] > 0: # some solutions found, timelimit reached status = TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL if endtime - time.time() > 0 and sols.shape[0] > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP. ') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:[0]) + ' solutions to MILP found.') elif endtime - time.time() > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP.') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:' No solutions exist.') else:'Time limit reached.') # Translate solutions into dict sd_dict = [] for sol in sols: sd_dict += [self.sd2dict(sol, self.show_no_ki)] return self.build_sd_solution(sd_dict, status, BEST)
# Find iteratively intervention sets of arbitrary size or quality # output format: list of 'dict' (default) or 'sparse'
[docs] def compute(self, **kwargs): """Compute arbitrary solutions of the strain design MILP and iteratively find further solutions Args: max_solutions (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The maximum number of MILP solutions that are generated for a strain design problem. time_limit (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The time limit in seconds for the MILP-solver. show_no_ki (optional (bool)): (Default: True) Indicate non-added addition candidates in a solution specifically with a value of 0 Returns: (SDSolutions): Strain design solutions provided as an SDSolutions object """ keys = {MAX_SOLUTIONS, T_LIMIT, 'show_no_ki'} # set keys passed in kwargs for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key in keys: setattr(self, key, value) # set all remaining keys to None for key in keys: if key not in kwargs.keys(): setattr(self, key, None) if self.max_solutions is None: self.max_solutions = np.inf if self.time_limit is None: self.time_limit = np.inf if self.show_no_ki is None: self.show_no_ki = True # first check if strain doesn't already fulfill the strain design setup if self.verify_sd(sparse.csr_matrix((1, self.num_z)))[0]: logging.warning('The strain already meets the requirements defined in the strain design setup. ' \ 'No interventions are needed.') return self.build_sd_solution([{}], OPTIMAL, ANY) # otherwise continue endtime = time.time() + self.time_limit status = OPTIMAL sols = sparse.csr_matrix((0, self.num_z))'Finding (also non-optimal) strain designs ...') while sols.shape[0] < self.max_solutions and \ status == OPTIMAL and \ endtime-time.time() > 0:'Searching in full search space.') self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) self.resetTargetableZ() self.clear_objective() self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, np.inf) # keep objective open z, x, _, status = self.solveZ() if status not in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: break if not all(self.verify_sd(z)): self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) self.resetObjective() self.setTargetableZ(z) self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, np.sum([c * x for c, x in zip(self.c_bu, x)])) z1, _, _, status1 = self.solveZ() if status1 == OPTIMAL and not self.verify_sd(z1): self.add_exclusion_constraints(z1) output = self.sd2dict(z1) logging.warning('Invalid minimal solution found: ' + str(output)) continue if status1 != OPTIMAL and not self.verify_sd(z1): self.add_exclusion_constraints_ineq(z) output = self.sd2dict(z) logging.warning('Invalid minimal solution found: ' + str(output)) continue else: output = self.sd2dict(z) logging.warning('Warning: Solver first found the infeasible solution: ' + str(output)) output = self.sd2dict(z1) logging.warning('But a subset of this solution seems to be valid: ' + str(output)) # Verify solution and explore subspace to get strain designs cx = np.sum([c * x for c, x in zip(self.c_bu, x)]) if not self.is_mcs_computation:'Found preliminary solution.')'Minimizing number of interventions in subspace with ' + str(sum(z.toarray()[0])) + ' possible targets.') self.setMinIntvCostObjective() self.setTargetableZ(z) self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, cx) while sols.shape[0] < self.max_solutions and \ status == OPTIMAL and \ endtime-time.time() > 0: self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) z1, _, _, status1 = self.solveZ() output = self.sd2dict(z1) if status1 in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL] and all(self.verify_sd(z1)):'Strain design with cost ' + str(round((z1 * self.cost)[0], 6)) + ': ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z1) sols = sparse.vstack((sols, z1)) elif status1 in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: logging.warning('Invalid minimal solution found: ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z) else: # return to outside loop break if status == INFEASIBLE and sols.shape[0] > 0: # all solutions found status = OPTIMAL if status == TIME_LIMIT and sols.shape[0] > 0: # some solutions found, timelimit reached status = TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL if endtime - time.time() > 0 and sols.shape[0] > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP. ') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:[0]) + ' solutions to MILP found.') elif endtime - time.time() > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP.') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:' No solutions exist.') else:'Time limit reached.') # Translate solutions into dict if not stated otherwise sd_dict = [] for sol in sols: sd_dict += [self.sd2dict(sol, self.show_no_ki)] return self.build_sd_solution(sd_dict, status, ANY)
# Enumerate iteratively optimal strain designs using the populate function # output format: list of 'dict' (default) or 'sparse'
[docs] def enumerate(self, **kwargs): """Find all globally optimal solutions to the strain design MILP and iteratively construct pools for the suboptimal values Args: max_solutions (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The maximum number of MILP solutions that are generated for a strain design problem. time_limit (optional (int)): (Default: inf) The time limit in seconds for the MILP-solver. show_no_ki (optional (bool)): (Default: True) Indicate non-added addition candidates in a solution specifically with a value of 0 Returns: (SDSolutions): Strain design solutions provided as an SDSolutions object """ keys = {MAX_SOLUTIONS, T_LIMIT, 'show_no_ki'} # set keys passed in kwargs for key, value in dict(kwargs).items(): if key in keys: setattr(self, key, value) # set all remaining keys to None for key in keys: if key not in dict(kwargs).keys(): setattr(self, key, None) if self.max_solutions is None: self.max_solutions = np.inf if self.time_limit is None: self.time_limit = np.inf if self.show_no_ki is None: self.show_no_ki = True # first check if strain doesn't already fulfill the strain design setup if self.is_mcs_computation and self.verify_sd(sparse.csr_matrix((1, self.num_z)))[0]: logging.warning('The strain already meets the requirements defined in the strain design setup. ' \ 'No interventions are needed.') return self.build_sd_solution([{}], OPTIMAL, POPULATE) # otherwise continue if self.solver == 'scip': warn("SCIP does not natively support solution pool generation. "+ \ "An high-level implementation of populate is used. " + \ "Consider using compute_optimal instead of enumerate, as " + \ "it returns the same results but faster.") if self.solver == 'glpk': warn("GLPK does not natively support solution pool generation. "+ \ "An instable high-level implementation of populate is used. " "Consider using compute_optimal instead of enumerate, as " + \ "it returns the same results but faster." ) endtime = time.time() + self.time_limit status = OPTIMAL sols = sparse.csr_matrix((0, self.num_z))'Enumerating strain designs ...') while sols.shape[0] < self.max_solutions and \ status == OPTIMAL and \ endtime-time.time() > 0: self.set_time_limit(endtime - time.time()) if not self.is_mcs_computation: self.resetTargetableZ() self.resetObjective() self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, np.inf) z, _, opt, status = self.solveZ() if status not in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: break'Enumerating all solutions with the objective value: ' + str(-opt)) self.fixObjective(self.c_bu, opt) self.setMinIntvCostObjective() z, status = self.populateZ(self.max_solutions - sols.shape[0]) if status in [OPTIMAL, TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL]: for i in range(z.shape[0]): output = [self.sd2dict(z[i])] if all(self.verify_sd(z[i])):'Strain designs with cost ' + str(round((z[i] * self.cost)[0], 6)) + ': ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z[i]) sols = sparse.vstack((sols, z[i])) else: logging.warning('Invalid (minimal) solution found: ' + str(output)) self.add_exclusion_constraints(z[i]) if (status != OPTIMAL): # or (z[i]*self.cost == self.max_cost): break if status == INFEASIBLE and sols.shape[0] > 0: # all solutions found or solution limit reached status = OPTIMAL if status == TIME_LIMIT and sols.shape[0] > 0: # some solutions found, timelimit reached status = TIME_LIMIT_W_SOL if endtime - time.time() > 0 and sols.shape[0] > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP. ') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:[0]) + ' solutions to MILP found.') elif endtime - time.time() > 0:'Finished solving strain design MILP.') if 'strainDesignMILP' in self.__module__:' No solutions exist.') else:'Time limit reached.') # Translate solutions into dict if not stated otherwise sd_dict = [] for sol in sols: sd_dict += [self.sd2dict(sol, self.show_no_ki)] sd_solution = self.build_sd_solution(sd_dict, status, POPULATE) return sd_solution
[docs] def build_sd_solution(self, sd_dict, status, solution_approach): """Build the strain design solution object""" sd_setup = {} sd_setup[MODEL_ID] = sd_setup[MAX_SOLUTIONS] = self.max_solutions sd_setup[MAX_COST] = self.max_cost sd_setup[TIME_LIMIT] = self.time_limit sd_setup[SOLVER] = self.solver sd_setup[SOLUTION_APPROACH] = solution_approach sd_setup[KOCOST] = {k: float(v) for k,v in \ zip(self.model.reactions.list_attr('id'),self.ko_cost) if not np.isnan(v)} sd_setup[KICOST] = {k: float(v) for k,v in \ zip(self.model.reactions.list_attr('id'),self.ki_cost) if not np.isnan(v)} sd_setup[MODULES] = self.sd_modules return SDSolutions(self.model, sd_dict, status, sd_setup)